
Creative Bioarray Offers a Wide Range of Cell Services

As a global biotech products and services supplier, Creative Bioarray provides the world's most comprehensive list of research-use cells, including tumor cells, primary cells, stem cells and transformed cells and at the same time it also offers a wide ranges of cell services to facilitate researcher’s study and researches.

Cell services provided by Creative Bioarray include customized cells service, immortalized primary cells service, customized iPS cells service, stem cell characterization and stem cell differentiation service, stem cell assay development/screening, cell culturing sterility testing, toxicology assay and mycoplasma detection & elimination.
l  Custom Cell Services
Creative Bioarray has decades of experience isolating dozens of cell types from human and animal tissues. It provides donor matched cell sets and a wide array of QC and cell characterization services. And all services can be tailored to the client's specific needs.

l  Cell Immortalization Service
With years of experience in cell immortalization, Creative Bioarray has been able to successfully immortalize cells from human, mouse, bovine and dog, by using different immortalizing agents or genes. This immortalization service can also be customized.

l  Stem Cell Characterization & Differentiation
Characterization and differentiation of stem cell are very common in cell researches. Creative Bioarray provides custom stem cell differentiation and characterization services by using unique methods and tools and with experienced research staff to help clients save time and money.

l  Stem Cell Assay Development and Screening
Creative Bioarray has a broad range of assay tools that can be implemented with PSCs or their differentiated progeny to interrogate disease-relevant biology such as cell viability, cell proliferation, apoptosis, autophagy, generation of reactive oxygen species and etc. Its stem cell screening services will enable rapid profiling of customer’s compounds.

l  iPS Cell Research services
Creative Bioarray’s Custom iPS Cell Services are very popular among its clients. These custom reprogramming services will empower customers to focus on their experiments without consuming lab time and resources in generating iPS cells in the beginning of their experiments.

All those services will go through a series of quality control procedures to guarantee the high quality results. Creative Bioarray will always be committed to providing the highest standard quality research products and services to its clients.


Ebola is Modern Era's Worst Health Emergency

By Jim Gomez

The World Health Organization called the Ebola outbreak "the most severe, acute health emergency seen in modern times" on Monday but also said that economic disruptions can be curbed if people are adequately informed to prevent irrational moves to dodge infection.
WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, citing World Bank figures, said 90 percent of economic costs of any outbreak "come from irrational and disorganized efforts of the public to avoid infection."
Staffers of the global health organization "are very well aware that fear of infection has spread around the world much faster than the virus," Chan said in a statement read out to a regional health conference in the Philippine capital, Manila.
"We are seeing, right now, how this virus can disrupt economies and societies around the world," she said, but added that adequately educating the public was a "good defense strategy" and would allow governments to prevent economic disruptions.
The Ebola epidemic has killed more than 4,000 people, mostly in the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, according to WHO figures published last week.
Chan did not specify those steps but praised the Philippines for holding an anti-Ebola summit last week which was joined by government health officials and private sector representatives, warning that the Southeast Asian country was vulnerable due to the large number of Filipinos working abroad.
While bracing for Ebola, health officials should continue to focus on major health threats, including non-communicable diseases, she said.
Philippine Health Secretary Enrique Ona said authorities will ask more than 1,700 Filipinos working in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to observe themselves for at least 21 days for Ebola symptoms in those countries first if they plan to return home.
Once home, they should observe themselves for another 21 days and then report the result of their self-screening to health authorities to be doubly sure they have not been infected, he said, adding that hospitals which would deal with any Ebola patients have already been identified in the Philippines.
Last month, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged leaders in the most affected countries to establish special centers that aim to isolate infected people from non-infected relatives in an effort to stem the spread of Ebola.
Ban has also appealed for airlines and shipping companies not to suspend services to countries affected by Ebola. Doing so, he said, hinders delivery of humanitarian and medical assistance.

Blood-Red Moon: Total Lunar Eclipse Photos from Readers

Scientific American readers snapped these views of the October 8 total lunar eclipse from the United States and Australia
A coppery moon graced skies around the world early Wednesday morning, and many Scientific American readers got a great view. Below are some of the best reader photos of the October 8, 2014 total lunar eclipse, when the moon briefly passed into the shadow Earth cast. During a total lunar eclipse, the sun and moon are 180 degrees apart, on either side of our planet. The sun's bending rays travel through our atmosphere to reach the darkened moon, giving it a reddish hue. These impressive photos came from around the United States and Australia.
Lunar Eclipse 8:10:2014  Albury Australia


Creative Bioarray is a well-recognized biotech company propelled by integrity, expertise and the desire to contribute to simplify, improve, and accelerate research speed of the scientists by providing the highest standard quality research products and services.

Creative Bioarray offers a large product portfolio covering tissue samples, tissue arrays, cells, microorganisms and probes.
  • Tissue Samples include tissue sections, blocks, blood, RNA, DNA and body fluid from Human and Animal.
  • Tissue Array include pre-made and custom tissue arrays.
  • Microorganisms include industrial, agricultural and pharmaceutical culture collections.
  • Cells include tumor, primary, stem cells; cell related products include medium, growth factors, cytokines and reagents.
  • Probes include chromosome, diagnostic, animal, bacteria, microRNA and ISH probes.
  • know more about us at http://www.creative-bioarray.com/